Who We Are
Jay Baglole (they/them)

Jay Baglole (they/them)

Pyramid Model Mentor

Jay began their journey with the ECDA in September of 2022, beginning with the Pyramid to Retention project. Prior to joining the team they had been a frontline educator for 15 years. Jay holds a diploma in Child and Youth Care Work. They obtained their Early Childhood Care and Education diploma from Holland College and their Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood from UNB.

Erin Smith (she/her)

Erin Smith (she/her)

Pyramid Model Mentor

The ECDA welcomed Erin to the team in September of 2022. Before joining the team Erin spent more than 16 years positively influencing the lives of children and families in a variety of roles. Erin is currently finishing up her degree in Child and Youth Studies at MSVU.

Ann Hayes-McKenzie (she/her)

Ann Hayes-McKenzie (she/her)

Pyramid Model Coach

Ann has been an Early Childhood Coach with the Department of Education and Early Years for the past 13 years. Prior to this role she was a front-line Early Childhood Educator, supervisor and director on PEI for 19 years. Ann holds a diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education, a Bachelor of Child & Family Studies and is a Certified Family Life Educator.

Claire Doucette (she/her)

Claire Doucette (she/her)

Pyramid Model Coach

Claire joined the Department of Education and Early Years in October of 2010 as an Early Childhood Coach. She is excited to have added participation in the Pyramid Model to Retention project to her role, and is looking forward to additional time spent in the centre she will be working with. She has a degree in Psychology from UPEI and an Early Childhood Diploma from Algonquin College.

Francine Bernard (she/her)

Francine Bernard (she/her)

Pyramid Model Coach

Francine Bernard has been working for the Department of Education and Early Years for the past 13 years as a bilingual early childhood coach. Recently, she has added being a pyramid model mentor to her role and is looking forward to the opportunity to engage with this exciting project.  She successfully completed and holds a diploma in both human services and early childhood care and education through Collège de lÎle.

Kaitlin Smith (she/her)

Kaitlin Smith (she/her)

Pyramid Model Coach

Kaitlin holds an Early Childhood Education diploma from Holland College and her Bachelor of Arts from UPEI. Prior to joining the government, she worked as an educator with children from infancy through to school-age. In 2020, Kaitlin began working with the government of Prince Edward Island in the Early Years Division, and in 2022, moved into her current role as an Early Childhood Coach.

Karla Carnegie-MacDonald (she/her)

Karla Carnegie-MacDonald (she/her)

Pyramid Model Coach

Karla has a certificate in Childcare and Education with 22 years experience working on the frontline. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Child and Family Studies from UPEI and is currently completing her Masters of Education at UNB. Karla has been working at the Department of Education and Early years as an Early Childhood Inclusion Consultant since April 2022.

Karla Green (she/her)

Karla Green (she/her)

Pyramid Model Coach

Karla has been an Early Childhood Consultant with the Early Years Division since May 2022, and expanded her duties to become a Pyramid Model Mentor in January 2023. Prior to moving to PEI, Karla was a Childhood Studies instructor for three years after 31 years as a frontline educator. Karla has attained an Early Childhood Education Diploma, Bachelor of Arts degree (Psychology major), and a Masters of Critical Studies in Education.

Nicolle Hogan (she/her)

Nicolle Hogan (she/her)

Pyramid Model Coach

Nicolle has been an Early Childhood Coach with the Department of Education and Early Years since 2021. She has over 15 years experience with CHANCES as a Best Start in-home visitor, front-line educator and Director. Nicolle also brings experience as a Children’s Librarian with the Confederation Centre and Program Manager with Queens County Residential Services. Nicolle holds a diploma in Early Childhood Education from Holland College, as well as her Master of Education and Bachelor of Science degrees from UPEI.

Shaylene Vickerson (she/her)

Shaylene Vickerson (she/her)

Pyramid Model Coach

Shaylene began her career with the department of Education and Early years in January 2023 as an Early Childhood Coach. Prior to joining the team, Shaylene was an elementary school teacher and Early Childhood Educator. She has obtained her diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education from Holland College and holds Bachelor of Education and Child and Family Studies degrees.