Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Pyramid Model?
  • The Pyramid Model is an evidence-based framework that uses observation tools, prevention, intervention, and nurturing relationships to provide individualized support to children in their social, emotional development and addressing challenging behaviours. (The Pyramid Model Consortium)
What are the objectives of the Pyramid to Retention project?
  • Aim to meet the social and emotional developmental needs of children 0-5 within the Early Learning and Childcare sector in PEI by providing them with high-quality early year’s experiences.
  • Implement the Pyramid Model within the PEI licensed ELCC system
  • To support ECEs by providing mentorship and training in prevention and intervention strategies.
  • Provide resources and support to ECEs to improve their skills, confidence, and interest in their work.
  • Increase certified ECEs skills and capacity to navigate with challenging behaviours by children to prevent their suspension and contribute to staff retention.
Why the Pyramid Model?

The Pyramid Model enhances children’s social and emotional development and well being and develops problem solving skills. It creates positive supportive relationships while providing educators with additional training and support to share resources with families and colleagues.

What are the expectations of participation?

Participating sites will select one educator to establish a collaborative partnership with their mentor to strengthen and build on their skills. Regular meetings will be scheduled between mentor and mentee to develop action plans to support all children in their environment. Pyramid Model training and resources will be available to participating centres. Centres will establish an internal leadership team that partners with their mentor to support the guidance and implementation of the Pyramid Model in their centre.

Can the Pyramid Model help to reduce challenging behaviours in the classroom?

Yes! The Pyramid Model framework supports educators to oversee their classrooms and reduces challenging behaviours for most children. If children have persistent challenging behaviours that are not responsive to the promotion and prevention practices of the Pyramid Model, educators will collaborate with family members and their mentor to develop intensive, individualized intervention strategies to support the development of new skills and reduce challenging behaviours. The development of a behaviour support plan will be implemented across everyday routines and activities.

How does the Pyramid Model communicate family engagement?

Pyramid Model practices rely on the participation of families, and a collaboration between programs and home. Educators will share tools with families about how to promote each child’s social-emotional development. When children need more guidance or intervention to address social, emotional, or behavioural needs, educators will partner with families to provide increased opportunities for children to learn and practice new skills in the context of everyday routines and activities. When persistent challenges are present, educators and families will form a team to develop and implement individualized interventions and supports that are implemented across the child’s daily routines.

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