Early Childhood Development Association of PEI

A Pyramid to Retention

Supporting educators to enhance social and emotional competencies in infants and young children.

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A Mentoring Culture for PEI

A Pyramid to Retention is an innovative project that will support the social and emotional well-being of children, birth through five within the Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) sector on PEI. The Pyramid Model builds on the specialized bank of knowledge that all certified Early Childhood Educators have, building in an extra layer of Social-Emotional Development knowledge through mentorship and training.

Through the implementation of the Pyramid Model, Early Childhood Educators will receive support to scaffold on their skills and confidence as they develop training in prevention and intervention strategies to support the social and emotional development of young children, including challenging behaviours.



How the Pyramid Model Works

The Pyramid Model provides a framework of evidence-based practices that enhances young children’s healthy social and emotional development. Educators, in partnership with their mentors, will create action plans and establish working goals to achieve the outcomes of the Pyramid Model. Some of those outcomes include:

    • ZStrengthen relationships with children and families.
    • ZImproving children’s social-emotional development.
    • ZIncrease educators knowledge to support children overall well-being.
    • ZIncrease educators feelings of competency.
    • ZImproving overall quality of program instruction.
    • ZReduce children's challenging behaviours.

    About Our Process

    Much like anything we do, to have success you have to invest in the workforce! Evidence shows that you cannot have quality without investing in the people. Investing in the workforce is one of the key components of the Pyramid Model. Through specialized training and mentoring, educators will establish partnerships with co-educators, families, and mentors to identify goals and set action plans to support the needs of children in their programs.

    Pyramid Tiers

    Intensive Intervention

    Tertiary Intervention (For few children): Evidence-based interventions that provide individualized behaviour support plans.

    Targeted Social Emotional Support

    Secondary Prevention (For some children): Prevention for children who are at risk of challenging behaviours through planning and targeted social and emotional support.

    High Quality Supportive Environments & Nurturing and Responsive Relationships

    Universal Promotion (For all children): Provides support to all children through responsive relationships in supportive environments. This includes things such as predictable routines, schedules, transitions, and environments.

    Effective Workforce

    The solid foundation of the Pyramid Model is the workforce! This foundation is solidified with ongoing specialized professional development and supportive implementation practices.

    Benefits of the Pyramid Model

      Benefits for children:

      • ZDevelop and maintain relationships.
      • ZIdentify and manage emotions.
      • ZUse problem-solving skills.
      • ZFollow directions, share, & take turns.
      • ZUnderstand routines and transitions.
      • ZDevelop self-control and coping strategies.

        Benefits for educators:

        • ZCreates positive, supportive relationships with children.
        • ZCoaching and support for learning and implementing new strategies .
        • ZProvides training to support families.
        • ZProvides them with resources to share with families.

        Benefits for families:

        • ZCreates positive, supportive relationships with children.
        • ZProvides resources and tips to promote social and emotional skills at home.
        • ZHelps build partnerships between families and educators to support capacity and preventing and addressing challenging behaviors.

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